- przez Karol Sienkiewicz
When writing about the Aszeberg family – that’s the last name of my great grandmother Scholastyka, the wife of Wiktor Cezary Sienkiewicz – never would I have thought, that in search of my ancestors I would be able to reach the beginning of XIV century. But that’s the period the data from the archive in Riga date back to. What’s more, it turns out, that on MyHaritage the descendants of Aszebergs are scattered all around the world – from Denmark, through Hungary to Australia! And, apparently, some genealogical websites write about them.
The names of Aszebergs were linked to Wikitree. But the data about birth years that I own are different from the ones on Wikitree. I’m leaving my information for now. According to Wikitree the oldest Aszeberg is Gottschalk (Ascheberg) von Ascheberg (1240 – 1310), the father of Ludger. But he isn’t mentioned in the documents, that I own.
According to the genealogical tree wrought based on materials from Ritter-bank, the first Aszebergs are:
Ludger Aszeberg (born around 1317) married to Wendelmodis
Johan Aszeberg ( born around 1354) married do Gisele
Bernard Aszeberg – married to Bylie
Johan Aszeberg and his two wives – Nella and Greta
Heinrich Aszeberg (born around 1420) – married to Hilla von Hamern
Diederich Aszeberg (1441 – 1470) and his wife Kunegunda Landsberg
Diederich had 2 sons – Herman and Bernhard – the latter one interests us.
Bernhard marries Elżbieta Landsberg (which is mysterious, because she’s not mentioned on Wikitree) and they have a son:
Johan – Klas Aszeberg (Heinrich) born around 1470, died around 1509, married to Katarzyna – Maria von Pipenbrock. Their son is:
Stefan Aszeberg (died around 1567), who was a hussar cavarly capitain in Livonia, when Zygmunt I was king, married Dorotea von Corbeck. And that’s how we get round to an important person, Stefan’s son:
Rutger Aszeberg I Senior (died around 1619). His wife was Anna von der Brincken (1563 – 1621). Rutger Aszeberg and Anna had 2 sons – Wilhelm and Rutger Junior.
Wilhelm Aszeberg (14.11.1585-1642) married Margaryta von der Osten-Sacken. And their son, who is already known to us, was:
Rutger Aszeberg (2.06.1621 – 17.04.1693), baron and the commander of swedish army, the slayer of Czarnecki in the battle of Chojnice. In may of 1650 he married Magdalena-Eleonora von Busek (1632-1690). Rutger had 25 kids! But my great grandma Scholastyka does not come from a big family.
Her – and also mine – descendant was the other son of Rutger Senior – Rutger Aszeberg II Junior (1588-1657) – the uncle of the famous nephew. This Rutger married Elżbieta von Maydell (1614 -1663). And their son was:
Gerhard Aszeberg (18.08.1642- 80.03.1693) married to Anna Maria von Buttlar (4.04.1649 -12.02.1688).
Their second son was:
Georg Aszeberg (born 28.02.1684) who started the lithuanian branch of house Aszeberg. His great-great – granddaughter was my great grandmother Scholastyka Aszeberg (born around 1863 – 14.05.1942). But that’s a topic for another entry. Unfortunately, information on Wikitree end on Gerhard and his son Röttger Gerhard von Ascheberg (1671 – 1747). This source doesn’t mention Georg Aszeberg from Lithuania, but information about him is from some documents, which I own and would be happy to show anyone who is interested. Through Gerhard, the older brother of ‘my’ Georg we can link Aszebergs with some superb houses, i.e. von Dönhoff and some russian houses. A dream challange for any genealogist.
I attach an image of Aszeberg’s crest from the Rittersbank’s records below: